BLK Chicago

48 Articles Published | Follow:
Black St. Patrick’s Day

The superstar’s mom was surrounded by friend and family on Friday night as her husband,…

Best Coffee Shops to Support

The superstar’s mom was surrounded by friend and family on Friday night as her husband,…

Shop L1 Grand Opening

The Christmas countdown is officially on! And how do we know? Because the Marks &…

The Other Art Fair

The Christmas countdown is officially on! And how do we know? Because the Marks &…

Music Box Theatre Has A Black Films Series all February in Celebration of Black History Month

Music Box Theatre presents its Black History Month movie series, “Melanin, Roots and Culture.” From…

Vic Mensa and The Chi Cast Feed the Block

This past Friday, Chicago came together in the spirit of care and compassion. Grammy-nominated artist,…

jp morgan chase advancing black wealth chicago
JP Morgan Chase Advancing Black Wealth Tour

The only parenting book I read before my almost-four-year-old son Leo was born was Pamela…

Provare & Prive Chicago
Bronzeville Art District Trolley Tour

The Christmas countdown is officially on! And how do we know? Because the Marks &…

meagan mcneal tiny tapp riverwalk chicago
Meagan McNeal Paying Tribute to Tina Turner on Chicago’s Riverwalk

The demand for transparency in the fashion industry has resulted in brands like Burberry and…